May 15, 2020 The popular open source framework to easily add in-app settings to your iPhone apps has been released in version 3.0. Normally, iOS apps 


The following unit test passed in Akka 2.5.25 but fails in Akka 2.6.10 (whatever version of typesafe config each uses): "be able to parse config and be overridden by system properties" in { System.setProperty("foo", "bar") val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("foo=baz").resolve().withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) // The following assertion succeeded in Akka 2.5, but fails in Akka 2.6

We are performing following operations: Reading the JSON property If you want to do that, you could either merge this instance into your value source using withFallback(com.typesafe.config.ConfigMergeable), or you could resolve multiple times with multiple sources (using ConfigResolveOptions.setAllowUnresolved(boolean) so the partial resolves don't fail). com.typesafe HomePage: Date (May 02, 2014) Files: pom (1 KB) bundle (214 KB) View All: Repositories: Central Mulesoft Redhat GA Sonatype SpongePowered: Used By: 2,121 artifacts Here is the line to add config to your sbt build file in its current version (I personnally use sbt but the library can also be imported with maven or downloaded manually): "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.2" In the application, the configuration is an instance of the Config class, loaded using the ConfigFactory class. Typesafe Config has well-documented rules for configuration loading which we’ll not repeat. Please see Typesafe Config’s documentation for a full telling of the subtleties and see Loading a Config for alternative sources for configuration files. Because PureConfig uses Typesafe Config to load configurations, it supports reading files in A lightweight Typesafe Config (HOCON) mapper for Kotlin classes based on kotlinx.serialization The following examples show how to use com.typesafe.config.Config. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

Typesafe config

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This involves writing your  Jul 20, 2015 Typesafe config allows us to define configuration files in a number of formats. Here we are using JSON. Yes, it supports the hierarchical  Feb 23, 2014 I recently leveraged Typesafe's Config library to refactor configuration settings for a project. I was very pleased with the API and functionality of  Jun 1, 2019 All iOS apps have a built in data dictionary that stores small amounts of user settings for as long as the app is installed.

Typesafe Config is able to parse many durations and allow you to convert it to any other duration using TimeUnit. Example ttl = 5 minutes from the above configs."redis.ttl minutes: {}", fallbackConfig.getDuration("redis.ttl", TimeUnit.

scala sbt for linux (2) . sbt.version=0.13.1 In build.sbt I am assigning a setting key by calling a piece of my project dependency's code that in turn configures itself via Typesafe Config's ConfigFactory. 阿里云开发者社区覆盖云计算、物联网、大数据、云原生、数据库、人工智能、微服务、安全、开发、运维等技术领域,集合阿里巴巴经济体各个单元技术优势,提供分享、交流、学习、认证、工具、资源、大赛、活动、社群、创业一站式服务能力,满足开发者全生命周期成长需求。 You could turn config into a method with support for config cache invalidation ( and with sensible defaults), so you can choose between dynamic (default in the  The answer is to use ConfigFactory.parseResource() in place of ConfigFactory. load() .

Typesafe config

Bypassing Typesafe Config. If Typesafe Config doesn’t work for you, it is possible to get rid of it entirely. You will need to provide your own implementations of DriverConfig and DriverExecutionProfile. Then write a DriverConfigLoader and pass it to the session at initialization, as shown in the previous sections.

Collapse. Permalink · Context. scalatest_2.11 3.0.4 test org.apache.avro avro 1.8.2 com.typesafe config 1.3.1 org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-api 5.3.2 test com.github.tomakehurst wiremock-jre8  CTO Typesafe.

These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
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J'utilise Vim de deux façons différentes : de longues sessions de programmation et des éditions rapides (config, git commit, etc.), pratiquement tout le temps  This means that the variable is still typesafe and can not change its type.
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This makes the core a little bit more readable and type safe. #include "config.h" #include "config-std.h" #include "config-mem.h" @@ -130,28 

Automatic conversion to case class; Automatic conversion to sealed trait; Automatic conversion to Map[String, A] Value-by-value conversion; Dynamic value-by-value conversion; Custom concrete value decoders Typesafe Config (little scala wrapper) Little scala extension to Typesafe Config. Usage build.sbt libraryDependencies += "com.github.andyglow" %% "typesafe-config-scala" % ${LATEST_VERSION} % Compile Typesafe-Config looks on the classpath for my application.conf file and uses HOCON to map config objects to fields in my class, like this: From ~/configs/application.conf: my.homePageUrl = "". From Get notifications on updates for this project. Get the SourceForge newsletter.

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Customizing Typesafe Config’s Behavior If you want only parts of Typesafe Config’s standard behavior or want to customize something in their pipeline, PureConfig provides ConfigSource s like defaultReference , defaultApplication , defaultOverrides and systemProperties , which you can use to mix and match to fit your needs.

Substitutions Java Properites, JSON, human friendly JSON. Hierarchical/nesting. Merge files, any format. Load from file, URL, classpath, sys prop, env var Tighter integration with overriding general library configurations?

If you want to do that, you could either merge this instance into your value source using withFallback(com.typesafe.config.ConfigMergeable), or you could resolve multiple times with multiple sources (using ConfigResolveOptions.setAllowUnresolved(boolean) so the partial resolves don't fail).

It allows you to define configuration anywhere in your code with minimal knowledge of the whole configuration structure. Typesafe Config is able to parse many durations and allows you to convert it to any other duration using TimeUnit. Let's look at the example ttl = 5 minutes from the above configs.

The preferred way to configure database connections is through Typesafe Config in your application.conf, which is also used by Play and Akka for their configuration. Such a configuration can be loaded with Database.forConfig (see the API documentation of this method for details on the configuration parameters).